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We are looking for bloggers who can write original, high-quality content.
Would you like to contribute?
Advantages for You:
Featured blog post will include your name, short bio, and a link back to your blog or website.
Blog posts are promoted across our network of THOUSANDS of women and moms via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Popular articles will be featured in our newsletter, which goes out to 10,000+ individuals.
Writing a guest post for CrazybabyTV is an excellent way for you to promote your blog or business!
Being a guest contributor helps to distinguish you as an expert in your field.
Regular contributors will be expected to submit a new post every four weeks.
Posts must be turned in 2-3 business days before scheduled to run.
If this is something you’re interested in send us an email, and a representative will get in touch within 48 hours.
First — we are very selective about what content we publish!
The focus of your article should be on providing useful and practical information that educates the reader. Commentary posts will be accepted as well.
Your article should be written with our target audience in mind – Music Fans of all genres’ and Indie Artists seeking to improve and expand their career goals.
There should be a good fit between our audiences.
Posts written for the sole purpose of SEO and ranking keywords will not be accepted.
Sloppy and poorly written articles will be declined.
All blog posts must be in English, with proper grammar (Urban Slang is Acceptable in some cases), and spelling usage.
All content must be ORIGINAL — absolutely no re-published posts.
Articles must be edited before submission.
We reserve the right to edit your post for brevity, grammar, and readability.
Please send your post over in a Word Document. Make sure it includes a catchy title, a short bio, along with proper formatting and structure.
Length should be 700 – 2,000 words.
Contributors should reply to comments left on their article.
No promotional or affiliate links will be allowed within the editorial content. Only links that enhance the material will be permitted.
At the end of your article, you will be allowed to include a short bio with a maximum of two links.
Please take the time to read through some of our articles – submissions that are too similar in nature to articles that have already been published will be declined.
Impersonal, nameless, and canned pitches are automatically deleted, as this is generally an indication of the type of article that would be submitted.
Music Industry Tips and Information
Entertainment News & Gossip
Marketing and PR
Social Media Marketing
Indie Music Distribution
Breaking News
Entertainment Career Tips
Breaking News
Celebrity Interviews
To be considered for guest blogging, please introduce yourself via email and submit 2-3 themes for a post. Please send your request to: crazybabytv@gmail.com

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